Perspective can be derived from the Latin word perspicere which means to see/look through something. It describes the spatial relationship of objects in a space which is bound to the location of the viewer and can only be changed if the viewer changes its location or the location of the objects are being changed in the space. The second meaning of perspective is the point of view from which something is perceived. Both definitions hold a meaning when it comes to understanding how important the term perspective is for the museum world.
Nina Carmen Szkolka, 2022
To me, the term perspective implies a specific, individual viewpoint from which we see and contextualize our everyday life and the world around us. This viewpoint is based on our social status, our upbringing, the places we went to school/work for, the neighbourhood and home we live in. It’s something that develops constantly, starting in our childhood and ending in our last days of life. It shapes how we behave and relate to others, handle our feelings and challenges that stand before us.
In order to maintain a healthy coexistence as a society, each one of us has to realize that our own perspective isn’t the only one existing and can’t be projected onto someone else’s life experience.