Participants and Facilitators meet in Berlin in May 2024.
Participants and Facilitators meet in Berlin in September 2023.
Participants and Facilitators meet in Sharjah in February 2023.
Participants and Facilitators meet in Berlin in September 2022.
Participants and Facilitators meet in Sharjah in March 2022. Get an impression from SAWA in Sharjah here
Watch full Expo event here.
SAWA Museum Academy wins LCD Berlin Soft Power Destinations of the Year Award for ‘Best Cultural Collaboration’ in Berlin
SAWA Museum Academy receives the Agya Humanities Award for ‘Promoting the Role and Value of the Humanities in Research, Education and Society’ in Berlin
Participants and Facilitators meet in Sharjah in September 2019.
Participants and Facilitators meet in Sharjah in September 2018
Appropriate Museology – Appropriate Language gets published in English and Arabic (See the Publications below)
SAWA Museum Academy receives financial support from Volkswagen Stiftung and can extend the program.
Participants and Facilitators meet in Berlin in June 2018.
Participants and Facilitators meet in Sharjah in September 2016.
Participants and Facilitators meet in Sharjah in September 2015.
A first exchange in Sharjah 2014 led to the exhibition Early Capitals in the Museum of Islamic Civilization in Sharjah.
Get an impression with this video.
The SAWA Museum Academy is founded in April 2013, based on a Memorandum of Understanding
Essays on Translation and Communication in the Museum Edited by Gundula Avenarius, Aisha Deemas, Susan Kamel
This publication grew out of the international conference Appropriate Museology – Appropriate Language. Intercultural Communication and Translation in Museums, organized by the Sharjah Museums Department, the Staatliche Museen zu Berlin, the Goethe-Institut Gulf Region, and HTW University of Applied Sciences Berlin. The conference took place from March 29 to 31, 2015, in Sharjah, United Arab Emirates.
مقالات عن الترجمة والتواصل في المتاحف
ُح ّرر من قبل: جوندولا أفيناريوس، عائشة ديماس، سوزان كامل
كان هذا المنشور ثمرة المؤتمر الدولي المقام بعنوان «علم متاحف مناسب يساوي لغة مناسبة، التواصل بين الثقافات
والترجمة في المتاحف» الذي نظم من قبل هيئة الشارقة للمتاحف ومؤسسة المتاحف العامة في برلين ومعهد غوته
منطقةالخليجوجامعةبرلينللعلومالتطبيقية.هذاوقد ُعقدالمؤتمرفي29وحتى31منشهرآذار / مارسعام2015،
في الشارقة، الإمارات العربية المتحدة.